Vladimir Krillov from St Petersburg, Russia is an artist in the tradition and quality of Isaac Levitan. The abstract design, incredible movements, and masterful brushwork make this an outstanding work of art.
Vladimir Krillov’s style and sensitivities are reminiscent of Isacc Levitan. He is a modern marvel of all subjects with a flair for a deep understanding of his subjects and their surroundings.
Artist Vladimir Kirillov is a young academic author of the monumental painting. The artist deliberately refuses the context of contemporary art and works with timeless beauty, feeling the Russian mentality. In his paintings, whether landscape of the Russian countryside or a portrait of the famous singer Chaliapin Russian soul, always find something warmer and bright. The melancholy of a carefree childhood in the village and the beauty of Russian fields in the paintings Kirillova takes on a new meaning a long-forgotten old classics of the Russian landscape.
Born in Moscow in 1980.
In 2002 graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical University.
Since 2003 member of the Creative Artists’ Union of Russia.
In 2010 joined the Creative Union of Artists ‘Rodniki.’
The artist works in various genres: landscape, portrait, and genre painting.
Vladimir Kirillov was awarded medals from the Creative Artists’ Union of Russia. He received a diploma for active participation in events dedicated to the 200th year anniversary of A.S. Pushkin from the Mayor, Moscow Government, and the magazine ‘My Moscow.’
Personal and group exhibitions:
1997 – Exhibition “300 years of Peter the Great’s visit to Holland”. The exhibition was organized by the Moscow Culture Foundation and the Dutch Embassy
1997 – Exhibition “850 Years of Moscow”. Pavilion “Culture” of the All-Russian Exhibition Center
2009 – Exhibition “Vernissage” at the Office of the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
2011 – Exhibition “Colors of Time” Exhibition Hall of the Moscow Cultural Fund, Moscow
2010-2011 – Exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist I.I. Levitan “Traditions of Russian Landscape” at the Central House of Artists, Moscow
2015 – “ArtNow”. Moscow artists’ paintings exhibition. Moscow, Central House of Artists
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